
Cora Delaney didn't like people and that was the end of that. The idea of wasting time making conversation and talking about other people's didn't appeal to her at all and she was perfectly happy with herself.

It was a Tuesday evening when everything changed. She was sitting outside, on the porch in her wicker chair. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was aglow with a fading orange and all Cora wanted to do was read her book. But no, some one had to run through the trees, with frightened eyes and hair all askew.
She grumbled at the sight of another person and got up to leave when the person called her back, the fear evident in their voice as they cried for help.

Cora wanted to say no and tell this person to just go away, but then, Ariana appeared, her voice disapproving.

"Cora, what did we say about being nice to other people?" Ariana raised her eyebrows, knowing fully well that Cora knew exactly what she was talking about.

"To always be humble and kind" Cora muttered, scowling. She turned her back on Ariana and turned to the person currently standing on her porch, terrified.

"You can come in" she said, beckoning the girl inside and glaring at Ariana before closing the door.

"Thank you" the girl was still shaking "I was a goner for sure"

"I bet. You can sleep there" she pointed to the couch.

"Cora!" Ariana's voice hissed

"Shut up!" Cora muttered. She recomposed herself before offering the girl some tea, who politely declined.

"May I ask, what's your name?" the girl asked just as Cora was walking away.

"My name's Cora" she said "What about you?"

"Clara" she said softly

"Well, Clara, I must get off to bed. There's blankets in that cupboard over there. Good night" Cora walked up the stairs and left Clara, who sat bewildered.

The next morning, Cora woke up and went downstairs to make tea. Ariana had been nagging her all night, telling her to be nice. Cora had to turn off the lights to make her go away.
She found Clara to already be up upon arrival downstairs and she sighed. She better be nice or Ariana would be on her case again.

"Hello Clara" she said.

"Morning Cora. I was going to make you a cup of tea and bring it up to you, but I'll just give it to you here" She went over to the kettle and flicked it on, then after looking in three cupboards, she took two cups out and stood them side by side on the counter.

Cora was unsure how to react so she sat down on the couch instead. The couch was still warm from where Clara slept. Judging from the neatly folded blankets, Cora deducted that the other girl was tidy, a quality she liked. 

After a minute or so, Clara came back, clutching the handles of each cup in both of her hands. She handed one to Cora who muttered a thank you before taking a sip.

"I don't think i'll be here long, maybe another day or so, but I have to wait until it's safe, is that alright?"

Cora looked up at the other girl "Um. Yeah. I guess. Why isn't it safe now?"

Clara faltered "I can't remember why exactly but I've been running for most of the night. All I remember is the dark and the screams" 

"Sounds like the inside of my head" Cora thought.

The two girls sat in complete silence, sipping their cups of tea. Cora made another deduction: this girl had extremely sad eyes.

"I'll be back in a minute" It was beginning to become too much for Cora, being in the same room as another human being.

She went back out onto the porch and sunk into the wicker chair. Ariana reappeared.

"Oh, go away, I'm trying" Cora told her.

"That's not why I'm here"

"Then why are you here? Why are you ever here? Why do you need to be here? You're always here! GO AWAY" she screamed at her, turning her back on her.

Ariana appeared unfazed, but the tears welled in her eyes.

"I guess I'll go away then" she said softly.

Cora turned to call her name only to find herself staring at the empty porch and the evergreen trees that surrounded her house in the middle of the forest.


Clara sat on the couch, conflicted. She didn't know if she should follow Cora outside or not. She was well aware of Cora's feelings about people; the way she spoke in her monotone voice, the way she stared at her with cold eyes.

She took a deep breath and went outside to Cora who sat on the edge of the porch, staring into the trees.

"Are you okay?" Clara asked softly

Wiping away a tear, Cora glared at her "Do I look okay?"

Clara was surprised at the fact that the other girl was crying, she didn't think she had a softer side "Silly question..." she trailed off before speaking again "What's wrong?"

"Ariana left me and I want her to come back. She's been here for as long as I can remember" Cora said tearfully

Clara knew exactly who Ariana was, but was Cora aware? She didn't know if she was supposed to mention anything.

"I'm sure she cares about you Cora, she'll come back" 

"What if she doesn't?"


"No Clara! You don't understand!" Cora shouted

"No Cora you don't understand! This is just a lucid dream but it's your dream, you could at least be nicer, we're trying to help you!"

Cora turned and glared at Clara "How did you...." She became angry "Get out."


"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT" She went to hit Clara who just disappeared.
Then the trees disappeared. The porch disappeared. The wicker chair disappeared and the couch and the kitchen and the tea and then it was just Cora, who just sighed and opened her eyes.


Lucid dream : A dream in which the dreamer is aware that they're dreaming. They can control their dream and those in it and their surroundings and the story.


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